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XIamSogekingX 11-02-2010 01:11 AM

MMO Game Recommendations
I had been playing WoW but have now stopped to concentrate on College stuff for a small period of time and I might get back into since Cataclysm will be coming out. I already have a pre order for it but I don't know if I really want to get back into WoW. I think if I did, I would just be RPing and might be able to do an occasional Raid. I need something new and out of the realm of Warcraft.

Here are a few MMO's that I have been looking at that I might want to try. Some are out already, others are coming in the near future:

Final Fantasy XIV
Star Wars The Old Republic

It's not a big list but I haven't looked too much into all this yet and thought I would get opinions from others on here. Feel free to comment on your experiences with the MMOs that are already out or why you are looking forward to a particular MMO and please list other MMOs if you feel they are worth playing.

EagleEyes 11-02-2010 01:56 AM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations
S4 League!

Kusari 11-02-2010 02:42 AM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations
Ragnarok Online~ Tibia~ City of Heroes~ Digimon Online, Perfect World International. Just a few.

Leviathan Mist 11-02-2010 02:42 AM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations
Anything but WoW.

XIamSogekingX 11-02-2010 01:17 PM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations
I'm glad I've gotten some replies to this but I was wanting to hear more testimony on these games. The lists are nice and I will certainly look into those games but I'd also like to hear what makes those games great and if you play them, what draws you into them.

Anything but WoW is what I'm trying to accomplish and I hope I can get an idea of what people are playing and why they are playing it :P

EagleEyes 11-02-2010 01:53 PM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations
S4 League is an online 3rd person shooter with more of an anime style.

When you get over the fact, that if you kill people they accuse you of being a hacker. It is all good ^-^'

Kusari 11-02-2010 03:44 PM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations

Ragnarok Online is an MMO in which you move map to map via loading screens and creatures can drop both equipment and items you can use in quests to make equipment.

There is a storage system, a banking system, marriage, and adoption(with perks to both being married and adopted).

You begin as a novice and can become;
Swordsman - proficient in sword/spear combat and gains the ability to ride a Peco as a knight.
Acolyte - Healer and gains proficency against demons/undead. Wields maces/books.
Archer - Pretty self explanatory. Uses distance and can lay traps as a Hunter.
Thief - Double striking daggers, steal ability. Cloaking.
Merchant - Oversell items to NPC, underbuy items, vending to players, and attacks that attack using money(Only a few skills. Regular attacks with swords/axes/maces/hammers).
Magician - Your basic black mage.

From there you can spawn off into 2-1 classes and 2-2 classes and at level 99 rebirth and get the ability to become the higher tier version of those classes with extra abilities and the final rebirth 2-1 and 2-2 classes have new sprites, as well.

Swordsman -> Knight(R: Lord Knight) or Crusader(R: Paladin)
Acolyte -> Priest(R: High Priest) or Monk(R: Champion)
Archer -> Hunter(R: Sniper) or Bard(R: Clown)
Thief -> Assassin(R: Assassin Cross) or Rogue(R: Stalker)
Merchant -> Blacksmith(R: Whitesmith) or Alchemist(R: Creator)
Magician - Wizard(R: High Wizard) or Sage(R: Professor)

Additionally from a Novice you can become a
Taekwon Kid(no weapons. Fist/kicks)
Gunslinger(Various gun weapons)
Ninja(Ninja stars and/or ninja magic spells)
These are extended classes and do NOT rebirth.

Kusari 11-02-2010 03:50 PM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations

Tibia is a mideival MMORPG that came out in...1996 I want to say as a college project by Germans.

The game features a 2D atmosphere with no loading screens.
The four classes are :
Knight - Melee user/blocker
Paladin - Archer with a sub. in melee and holy spells. Can create its own ammo, too.
Sorcerer - Black mage. Proficient in fire and energy spells. Extremely overpowered in later levels.
Druid - Basic healer and somewhat like a sorcerer but with proficiency in Ice and Earth(Ice is great against most creatures...However earth is not).

At level 20 you can receive a promotion which gives:
Faster regeneration
A new class title
New spells to learn
Various other plusses I can't remember right now.

Knight -> Elite Knight
Paladin -> Royal Paladin
Sorcerer -> Master Sorcerer
Druid -> Elder Druid

This game is...unique. I can't really describe it but the game is virtually player driven and has a wide variety of questlines. You don't have a sprite based on your class. Instead you get outfits and questlines to unlock addons for them and other outfits.

Not sure what else to touch on in this game...I love it, though. xD

grimdefeat 11-02-2010 09:18 PM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations
team fortress 2!!!!!!
it is good fun

Gatx 12-01-2010 05:36 PM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations
I guess I'm a bit late, but this topic is still on the front page so....

My first and favorite MMORPG was Star Wars Galaxies, but its changed now so. It had a great community, with player run economy, player run towns, and etc.

The only game that I've found that comes close to that, that's F2P anyway, is Mabinogi. Its graphics have its own charm, and there's so much to do other than grinding. For example there's a system where your character can play music that you write, though its just for leisure, it doesn't give buffs or anything. A lot of people will stand around town playing anime songs.

Its also one of the few games out there where characters won't all be wearing the same armor. Typically I've found that most games only offer one set of armor for each class at each level interval.

So definitely if you want to try something out of the ordinary you should try Mabinogi.

Snapplemonkey 12-01-2010 06:59 PM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations
FireFall... it isn't out yet but neither is the star wars one. Check out the website and stuff it's pretty interesting and I'm really looking forward to it.

LucJenson 12-01-2010 07:53 PM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations

Originally Posted by Gatx (Post 23473)
I guess I'm a bit late, but this topic is still on the front page so....

My first and favorite MMORPG was Star Wars Galaxies, but its changed now so. It had a great community, with player run economy, player run towns, and etc.

The only game that I've found that comes close to that, that's F2P anyway, is Mabinogi. Its graphics have its own charm, and there's so much to do other than grinding. For example there's a system where your character can play music that you write, though its just for leisure, it doesn't give buffs or anything. A lot of people will stand around town playing anime songs.

Its also one of the few games out there where characters won't all be wearing the same armor. Typically I've found that most games only offer one set of armor for each class at each level interval.

So definitely if you want to try something out of the ordinary you should try Mabinogi.

It is nice to know I'm not the only one remaining who misses SWG. Oh, I miss those days roaming Lok, my master scout with my imperial battalion. :( I get some serious nostalgia whenever thinking about anything Star Wars related now. xD

christmas4477 12-02-2010 04:14 AM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations
A lot of us have been playing Dungeon Fighter Online lately. Good stuff

Kusari 12-02-2010 04:26 AM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations

Originally Posted by Gatx (Post 23473)
I guess I'm a bit late, but this topic is still on the front page so....

My first and favorite MMORPG was Star Wars Galaxies, but its changed now so. It had a great community, with player run economy, player run towns, and etc.

The only game that I've found that comes close to that, that's F2P anyway, is Mabinogi. Its graphics have its own charm, and there's so much to do other than grinding. For example there's a system where your character can play music that you write, though its just for leisure, it doesn't give buffs or anything. A lot of people will stand around town playing anime songs.

Its also one of the few games out there where characters won't all be wearing the same armor. Typically I've found that most games only offer one set of armor for each class at each level interval.

So definitely if you want to try something out of the ordinary you should try Mabinogi.

I tried Maginogi for a while... Ended up not liking it.

Though you can get different gear...it's incredibly...INCREDIBLY expensive. And no gear really offers any significant boosts until later on and then you can restart your leveling process so it's kind of...a grind in its own sense. I didn't find much replay value.

That and you can get mounts but you have to pay for them.

Kayarath 12-11-2010 09:15 PM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations
Did you ever get the desire to beat up furries? Did you ever want to harness the magical powers of pasta? Does the though of having a Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot fight by your side make you giddy? Well then, Kingdom of Loathing is the MMORPG for you!

Jubilee 04-10-2011 10:13 AM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations
I picked up Forsaken World the other day...

I have played to level 20, and I am rather impressed with it.

Beautiful graphics for a free to play...which always makes casting and such more fun.

I also like the auto run to quest object feature...helps noobs like me to learn where things are...

On the other hand, I have to run. A lot. #stare

I still recommend it...it is quite fun. Race/Class selection is limited though. :(

EagleEyes 04-11-2011 01:02 AM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations


I just downloaded this game and it is becoming Free to Play this week.

It is an RPG Third Person Shooter. Basically you fight against the evil government but how you do so is up to you. Are you going to make a gang of thugs? Are you going to become a merc? are you going to join an large alliance?

That and I need people to join my team ^________^

Jubilee 04-11-2011 05:28 AM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations

Originally Posted by EagleEyes (Post 28674)
That and I need people to join my team ^________^

Jubi playing shooters...watch out teammates! #stare

mahay 04-14-2011 02:03 PM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations

Originally Posted by Jubilee (Post 28676)
Jubi playing shooters...watch out teammates! #stare

It would make it way more interesting, if you ask me. :awesome:

NeonX 04-15-2011 06:44 PM

Re: MMO Game Recommendations

Originally Posted by Leviathan Mist (Post 21879)
Anything but WoW.


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