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Mollybibbles 02-05-2012 05:43 PM

Best/Worst Classes Topic :D
So some friends and I were discussing the derpiness of some of our courses and how deliciously useless they will be to us (Harry Potter Mythology? This is a thing, I kid you not).

Last semester I muscled my way through Philosophy of Art and Criticism. Worst. Class. To date. I thought it was going to be useful, yet I retained NOTHING! (Bad mix of bad professor, language barriers, tedious subject matters and "what is art" discussions)

The absolute best class I've ever taken ever is a tie between my British Literature class in high school (best excuse to read all the best books) and the History of Science (oh, Copernicus, how I admire you) and Mesopotamian History classes (I now have an obsession with cylinder seals) I took sophomore year of college.

Middle school, high school, college, grad school, ect..What was the worst and best class you've ever had the displeasure/unbridled joy to sit through/sleep through/take over class discussions in?

Leviathan Mist 02-06-2012 02:47 AM

Re: Best/Worst Classes Topic :D
Not counting my middle school Algebra class, which was awesome exclusively because of the teacher, my favorite class thus far in College has to be either Business Law or Intro to Business. I have only taken 2 terms in College though, so I'm bound to change my mind on this :P

Kanashimi 02-06-2012 11:57 AM

Re: Best/Worst Classes Topic :D
I love history though can't say how useful it is in real life really. It just makes you aware of different cultures, past mistakes, etc.

My worst class that I have yet to use today was algebra. I've never used an x or a y in a solution since, and I probably never will.

nerdwerld 02-06-2012 10:47 PM

Re: Best/Worst Classes Topic :D

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 32742)
I love history though can't say how useful it is in real life really. It just makes you aware of different cultures, past mistakes, etc.

My worst class that I have yet to use today was algebra. I've never used an x or a y in a solution since, and I probably never will.

When you study history in the collegian level it is a problem that history doesn't really fight into real life scenarios. This is a problem with historians, but I feel we do the world a service by analyzing sources, and then checking if they can be used. This goes across the board, since the main job of a historian is to criticize the sources.

I love Asian studies classes which include Asian history, religion, philosophies and cultural classes. I'm a history major, and I generally like all history, not just of the Asian variety.

However when it comes to math, and the hard sciences that deal with that then I am out of my range completely. I have always struggled with math, and to an extent grammar which is what I struggle with in Japanese so much. There are some instances of English grammer I can't wrap my head around, let alone Japanese grammar.

moonhawk81 02-07-2012 11:28 AM

Re: Best/Worst Classes Topic :D
I've always loved history--I was the only non-history major inducted into Phi Alpha Theta (history honorary) at my college--but my favorite course ever was Milton. (Yes, I was an English major, and--long ago--even an English teacher!) As for mathematics, I failed freshman algebra three semesters in a row. . .

Bargain Gamer 02-10-2012 03:22 AM

Re: Best/Worst Classes Topic :D
My favorite class would probably be a three way tie between "The Philosohy of South Park", "Japanese 102", and "Philosophy 201" The South Park one was a winter course that I took by itself and was both a lot of fun and also extremely informative, as the professor broke his hour+ lessons into watching an episode, discussing the episode for about 15-20 minutes and then showing us what philosophical lessons the episode was imparting upon us without our knowledge. The reason I selected Japanese 102 is because the professor I had for that class was quite possibly the single greatest professor I have ever had. I actually had a hard time adjusting to higher level Japanese courses just because the professors were such a let down after working with him. And Philosophy 201 simply because it was so damn thought provoking: do robots have the ability to become truly sentient? Do animals have souls? What is a soul anyway? That was a course I would love to take again, just to have the interesting discussions again.

As for the worst class I ever had, it would probably come down to Chemistry 302. I. HATE. CHEMISTRY! One of the main reasons I switched out of the sciences is because I just couldn't deal with those classes. I would rather retake advanced Calc or Physics. Makes me angry just remembering it. >.>;

@moonhawk: I loved Milton. It was a great course in and of itself, the fact that it simultaneously introduced my to the professor I would R.A. for was just the icing on the cake. ^.^ Paradise Lost was such a fun book. I still remember writing essays about Satan as the protagonist and such.

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