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PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB 07-18-2010 06:55 PM

Starcraft 2 Preview
PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB not only got into the WoW Cata beta, but has also been a part of the SC2 Beta. Note that Bob has never attempted to write any sort of game preview/review so this is Bobs first. Here Bob will include details about the multiplayer (the main focus of the beta) and what Blizzard has released, and unless you've been under a rock or just don't care for this series, you should already know Blizzard will be releasing this as basically a trilogy, starting with the Terran Campaign, Wings of Liberty. Please note that as this is based from Bob's view from the Beta, and with all testing, everything is subject to change based on Blizzard's discretion. They constantly tweaking and messing with upgrade times and base buildings.

Years after the events of Starcraft Brood Wars, the zerg have gone dormant, disappearing/hiding in the far reaches of space. The Terran's are now ruled over by Arcturus Mengsk and The Dominion. Jim Raynor has been labeled as a traitor and terrorist and has a hefty bounty on his head. Jim Raynor now fights the Dominion with his group of mercenaries, Raynor's Raiders, as they search for their place in the universe.

What better place to start then what the Beta has been focused on. The multiplayer up until now has been quite boring, with the only computer option being very easy. Blizzard just unveiled a brand new map pack and computer difficulty with the newest patch, Lost Temple being the best. Now the biggest difference you will find in multiplayer is the fact that you will be able to play all 3 races, where in the single player you'll only be able to play Terran. There will be multiplayer achievements, such as building 6 marines in the first 240 seconds of the game, along with building an expansion base within about the first 300 seconds. Blizzard of course has completely revamped Battle.net for the release of Starcraft 2, and it looks like with everything else Blizzard, you will have to log into Battle.net in order to play either single or multiplayer. As with every multiplayer you will be able to battle online with your friends and play against people across the globe, though Blizzard has yet to announce a Ladder mode to the game play.

Single Player:
Note that all single player info is based on what Blizzard has already announced.
The trilogy starts with Wings of Liberty, where you take the seat of Jim Raynor on board of his battle cruiser, The Hyperion. As Jim, you will be able to pick your missions (unlike classic Starcraft, you will not be bound to a single mission path, you will be able to pick and choose), talk to your crew and walk throughout the ship. With the completion of each mission you can also visit the Armory of the Hyperion, where you can purchase upgrades for your base, infantry, vehicles and more. Some of the upgrades Blizzard have unveiled thus far are the following (these of course are subject to change before release)
Marines – Stimpacks – Grants the marine higher attack and movement speed at the cost of health.
Combat Shield – Increases the marine’s overall health
Medic – Advanced Medic Facilities: Removes the tech lab add-on requirement for training medics.
Stabilizer Med Packs – Allows medics to heal faster using less energy per heal.
After missions you can also head to the Cantina, where you can hire mercenaries, which the player will be able to purchase during single player missions at the cost of in-game resources. You can purchase multiple mercanries, so you can mix and match and find a good combo. Blizzard has not provided any information as to whether these might be considered hero units, or just a minor upgrade of the regular Terran units.
The last part of your experience on the Hyperion will take you to the Labatory, where upon acquiring zerg and/or protoss research points, you gain access to improvements such as the Shrike Turret (Zerg Research) which outfits all bunkers with an automatic turrets and a Automated Refinery (Protoss Research) where refineries no longer require SCV’s to harvest.

That is all that’s been released, but now I must go into details of the Terran units that I have found between the single player and multiplayer.

Terran Buildings:
Command Center - No longer needs the 4 block expansion slot for the comm station or nuke silo. You will be able to build the comm station onto your base, allowing you to left off with it still attached. Gone is the nuke silo from the command center, and replaced with upgrading to a Battle command Center, which will be unable to lift off, but will have large guns attached for defensive placement. You will also be able to use upgrades such as a large harvester to speed up harvesting and others.
Supply Depots - One of the best changes, the supply depots will now be able to burrow to allow your units to move past them, and then unburrow to block your base back off at will.
All military unit producing buildings now have 2 attachments involved with building them. One of them will basically allow you to build 2 basic units at once, such as marines, but you will be unable to pursue the higher units like Ghosts. The 2nd upgrade will allow you to purchase upgrades for the units, like Stimpack for marines. This will also open up some other units at each station.

Terran units:
Marines - Still available at the barracks, can attack air and ground. Upgrades available are weapons & armor, Stimpacks, and HP upgrade
Marauder - Can only attack ground units with explosive grenades. Notice: It appears according to what screenshots have been unveiled, that you might be able to switch this unit out with the classic Firebat, as they appear to be using the same unit build.
Reaper - Can only attack ground units, but can also jump over any cliffs with rocket packs.
Ghost - Can attack ground and air units, clock and launch nuclear missiles from the silo.
Hellion - Replaces the Vulture, can attack ground units only with flames.
Siege Tank - The classic hasn’t changed, attacking only ground units and able to deploy to a stationary defensive position.
Thor - Replaces the Goliath. Can attack Air and Ground units, and is one all around big and bad boy. My personal favorite can be upgraded with high caliber cannon attack.
Viking - One of the most interesting units, has 2 different modes, Air mode which allows it to only attack air units, and a ground mode where it can only attack ground units.
Medivac - The normal drop ship with a new feature, it can also heal.
Raven - Terran version of observer, can detect invisible units as well as place down an Auto Turret.
Banshee - Can only attack ground units, also equipped with a cloak for stealth.
Battle Cruiser - The old standby for air combat, still can attack air and ground units, as well as the upgradeable Yamato Cannon.

As stated with the marauder, Blizzard has not announced if in single player you will able to swap units out or what not, though with the upgrades provided it does seem probable. If you would like any additional info about anything posted above or any of the other races let me know, and I'll try to post them asap. Starcraft 2, Wings of Liberty comes out July 27, 2010.

Jubilee 07-18-2010 07:11 PM

Re: Starcraft 2 Preview
Bravo Bob! Very nice preview :awesome:

+rep, yo. #cool

grimdefeat 07-18-2010 07:24 PM

Re: Starcraft 2 Preview
i got to play the sc2 beta when at a friends house it was preatty sweet since then i have been waiting for the game for ever now.

chefofdeath 08-24-2010 07:15 PM

Re: Starcraft 2 Preview
did anyone end up getting it . . . . i got that game not to long ago ...... i hate the fact there isnt any battle net chat rooms anymore makes it kinda hard to get stuff going

PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB 08-24-2010 07:18 PM

Re: Starcraft 2 Preview
PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB of course bought it, collectors edition. And just an fyi, blizzard is currently working to update battle net with the same chat rooms that the old one did, but they seem to be too busy policing the maps. Hopefully they get this done soon.

chefofdeath 08-24-2010 07:26 PM

Re: Starcraft 2 Preview
i hope so when i first got on it i was mad lost looking for games trying to figure stuff out .. . . been playing against AI to practice with all the new features in the game

Snapplemonkey 11-13-2010 09:46 AM

StarCraft 2
I know I'm new here and all, but I just happened to notice no StarCraft 2 thread... sure there was a SC2 Preview one... but nothing much happened to that one.

I'd like to take this opportunity to start a proper thread with Game ID's, strategy talk and maybe even some planned gaming.

Anyway, my gamer ID is Thor 280 (US). I'm a Zerg player (have been since beta) and just got promoted to Platinum League. If you want to add me with the Real ID it's Snapplemonkey@hotmail.com.

Looking forward to chatting with you guys about this amazing game ^^

EagleEyes 11-15-2010 04:00 AM

Re: StarCraft 2
I wan't to buy it but have to wait to hand my assignments in T.T

Snapplemonkey 11-15-2010 08:27 AM

Re: StarCraft 2
I'll be playing this for a long time to come, so take your time . xD

ZshadowX 11-15-2010 01:07 PM

Re: StarCraft 2
Oh one day I get it! need money first T~T

nerdwerld 11-15-2010 02:42 PM

Re: StarCraft 2

Snapplemonkey 11-16-2010 12:29 AM

Re: StarCraft 2
Personally I prefer Zerg, but I agree that Terrans should all be destroyed!

mahay 11-16-2010 11:05 AM

Re: StarCraft 2
I'd like to play it, but I don't know how good I am at Rts games. I played Rome total war and Medieval total war II, but I'm pretty sure Starcraft is a little different than them. Are there any decent free ones similar to SC that I could try out to see if I like space Rts?

Snapplemonkey 11-16-2010 03:09 PM

Re: StarCraft 2
Hmmm... well sometimes I get a free Starcraft cd-key (the first one, it's pretty old but still very good). If I get my hands on another one I'll send it your way mahay.

mahay 11-16-2010 03:48 PM

Re: StarCraft 2

Originally Posted by Snapplemonkey (Post 22593)
Hmmm... well sometimes I get a free Starcraft cd-key (the first one, it's pretty old but still very good). If I get my hands on another one I'll send it your way mahay.

cool thanks man

deadlymustach50 11-17-2010 11:10 PM

Re: StarCraft 2
I play Terran, and none shall survive against me. JK still in the practice rounds and not the best. I would really appreciate some help with startegies and that.

Snapplemonkey 11-18-2010 04:36 AM

Re: StarCraft 2
I wouldn't mind playing some games to help people out. I'm not sure how good of a teacher I am though...

nerdwerld 11-18-2010 09:18 AM

Re: StarCraft 2
Well you just have to learn how to counter annoying newb strategies which is hard.

deadlymustach50 11-18-2010 09:50 PM

Re: StarCraft 2
With the new patch reaper rush are now a thing of the past and roaches are now a more reliable unit in the field, there are plenty of new startegies to deal with.

Snapplemonkey 11-19-2010 04:26 AM

Re: StarCraft 2
There are still a lot of "cheese" tactics out there though. I hate cheese tactics...

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