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jessileo127 11-02-2010 10:23 AM

JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
You look up and see a silluette of a normall looking teenage girl, her hair softly blowing this way and that in the breeze, As you walk towards her she looks up and a small gust of wind picks up about her. As the wind wipped round her hair colour changed from brown to orange, Dragon Wings protruded from her back and her skin went from tanned to an almost pale orange, even her clothes changed as you walked closer to this misterious person. You then realise that this gust of wind had a body, A small silver Western Europian Dragon, circled her as she changed forms, Its tail a little too long for its body, signifiing that this Dragon had transformed as well...
You come a few feet to this girl and the wind died instantly, the small dragon looking at you thoughtfully, as if thinking if you were an enermy. The girl pulled her head down to look at you, her eyes a Shining blue, like you get when the Sun hits a blue sea just right. These Eyes stare at you scrutanising you as if you were some lower being than her. Then with a small flap of her wings she speaks with a Age-less voice, almost mimicing your own.
"Greetings to thee', Mortal, I am Jessica Lionheart. You have joined me in the most crucial of times, There is an adventure to be had!."
With that she opened her wings to thier full span and flapped gently, as The small dragon zoomed round you nipping your ears in affection.
"Come Skylark. Come, umm, What was your name again?"
The dragon Called Skylark zoomed back to her as her eyes looked at you once again waiting for an answer...

(Anyone can join, feel free, I Will Narrate and be Jess and Sky at the same,
Newbies welcome, Oldies Welcome... I will start again when we have at least 3 peeps other than me on this momentus adventure, the more the merrier... Have Fun!)

mahay 11-03-2010 08:55 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Are you asking for spelling and grammatical help, or just a continuation of the story?

moonhawk81 11-03-2010 04:08 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
And so Mahay was roasted! O.o Now, do please continue. . .

jessileo127 11-04-2010 08:46 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
I stand looking at you, Still waiting for an answer of my question...
" Mahay. No, if you do not role play, you will Die by a most horrible Death, your soul sent to limbo, there you will be alone for all eternaty seeing, hearing nothing!"
My gaze turns towards the other person.
"Sorry for that interruption... What was your name?"

Skylark Zoomed round Mahay biting him in verious places, now realising him as an enemy to his mistress... His eyes glowing.

moonhawk81 11-04-2010 08:56 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Moonhawk, milady. I've never role-played before, and quite honestly don't know much about it. My last quest, however, was years ago and in the uniform of a place called US. I am a sailor and cook, trained my entire life with edged weapons. If any of these skills might help. . .

soundbreaker 11-04-2010 09:08 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
From about a kilometer away, a sniper peers through his scope from his hiding-place in the tree-line which surrounds the field. Gasping with Australian surprise, he spies an orange dragon-girl talking to someone. Keeping his heart-rate steady, he slowed his breathing and continued to watch, waiting for an excuse to test the new long-range armor-piercers he'd picked up the previous week.

TheRedAlchemist 11-04-2010 09:35 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
oops sorry guys!

moonhawk81 11-05-2010 07:34 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"I am Moonhawk," an antiquated bow, "and how may I address your Ladyship?"

Ok, being new to all this, please forgive my asking: what are the parameters within which this takes place? Rough time period, society, etc. If the Aussie get armor-piercing rounds, can I call in an air strike? Just some general background and/or rules, maybe. . .

jessileo127 11-05-2010 11:44 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
I look to Moon Hawk, speaking softly with a different voice, gruffer and more achient if possible... "The world is different, to earth in meany ways, Bullets exsist for the soul purpose of Sniping, unfortunatly the only type of air strike is a flight of dragons commited to your cause, normally highloards controll over 20 dragons most for a flight, the queen her self owns all with a shard of power given to her by Cookie the Keeper, (No Sound wrong Cookie) and Julie the first Backhorn... This world is in a time of perrill as armys gather in the south, no one knows what side they are on, our mission is to find out who they are, and if need be stop them, help them, or let them be, it is not my choice..."
I flap my wings once again impatiantly waiting for more people to join us on out quest....

At this point the sun had gone down and two of the five moons starting to rise slowly, one of them seemed to be squised on one side, as if it had a run in with another moon...
These moons were Raislit and Moraei, Raislit was a dark orange, giving little light, the other a Silver blue casting a pale silver over the lands....

Skylark had now spotted Sound and started to fly to him in a darting fasion, seeing the gun, he flew to him darting this way and that in a silver blurr, his long tail flicking in an anticipation of a fight...

moonhawk81 11-05-2010 01:05 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"I command naught but my blades, milady, although, as a practicing witch, I do have certain spirits of whom I occasionally make small requests. But what is it that brings you to such pass, that such as yourself might claim to have no choice? An obligation of self, or perhaps of family?"

jessileo127 11-06-2010 12:52 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Folding my wings up slowly, I look at Moon Hawk sadly...
" I wish, no. I have chosen this quest myself, I am a protector of my species and must know about the armys... " Her voice resuming back to the one she had when you first met. "My people..."
I look down to the soft ground with little vegetation, I summon a fireball in my hand and start to play with it... My voice almost whispering.
"I am no longer allowed among them, yet I still protect them with my life and soul... I hope magic will solve my problem as it was created... Damn unicorns."

A lil' further away A shadow darker than the night it self gathered around a grasing silver blue Unicorn, its mane a darker blue but still shining, its horn golden standing out in comparison, as if trying to be notaced... The darkness seemed to go closer and closer making forms of hands that clasped around the muscluar throat of the beast. The unicorn bucked, making a screaching neigh calling for help, but was cut short as the hands cracked the neck killing it instantly.

I was sort of watching the unicorn, my eyes opened wide as it was killed. Instantly my wings open ready to jump into the sky...
" It seems like our quest must begin with three..." I shout loudly.
I look toward the person waiting in the background...
"Are you coming or going?" My head turns to Moon Hawk " That question also includes you."
I hold my hand out waiting for a reply

moonhawk81 11-06-2010 01:21 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"I may not willingly allow a lady to enter danger alone--pray note, milady, I dare not say unprotected, nor even suggest it of you. But if you will allow me a moment to my Craft?" Moonhawk offers another rather olden bow (the only legitimate kind, he thinks sadly), and--taking a small knife in each hand--crouches to earth. After a pained moment the man gives way to bird, a dark hawk with shiny metal spurs extending from each wingtip. The hawk nods to the dragon and holds his wings at ready.

mahay 11-07-2010 11:55 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"Ow," mahay said getting slightly annoyed.

jessileo127 11-08-2010 01:17 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
As I look at mahay's pathetic-ness I break out of role.
"Mahay I ask you once again to either role play properly or leave..." I look to Moon once again... "You know I hate breaking the fourth wall, I was actually talking about Sound breaker... By the way Nice description of the bird, we'll make a professional of you yet!!!"

My eyes turn to Skylark who is now wizzing around SoundBreakers head like a silver blue halo... I go back into character with the epic-ness of baisicly blinking...
"Sky, leave the poor sniper... He still has his decision to make, only he can answer that..."

soundbreaker 11-08-2010 02:43 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Swatting at the small beast was doing little to shoo the creature. Releasing a flash-bang from the bandoleer hanging across his flack-vest, the sniper flips down his anti-flare goggles and drops from his perch, throwing the flash-grenade upwards towards the little dragon, stunning it. Landing with a combat-roll, the sniper ducks behind a tree, slinging his rifle back over his shoulder and pulling a taser from his back-left holster. Whatever that diminutive dragon-thing wanted, it didn't seem to be a threat, so the sniper wasn't going to waste any bullets on it. From his position, he could see the dragon girl and the other person now looking in his direction. Of course he'd been spotted, she was probably tracking the little one. It looked like she was trying to say something, but she was almost a kilometer away and the sniper couldn't hear a thing after that flash-bang went off above his head.

moonhawk81 11-08-2010 06:58 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
A charcoal grey hawk lifts quickly skyward, away from wither came the sudden flash. I level off and dive suddenly as if for prey, but level off again just inches above the ground and begin a circuitous path towards the tree in which the small dragon lies stunned. It is difficult flying so low, without thermals to help support my weight, and dodging grasses and brush only irritates me further. Still, they provide the cover I need and I reach my goal unobserved. Rising and snatching away Skylark, I retrace my flight to the Lady Jessica, laying the still-prone Skylark at her feet. The human image I created to distract the sniper is already fading as I resume my own, wearied by the normal pain of such transformation and the added exertion of carrying dead weight. Clinging to the ground like a genuflecting worshipper, I manage a nod towards the Lady.

soundbreaker 11-08-2010 09:24 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Leaning around the tree, the sniper kept an eye on the two in the middle of the field. He'd only been in this dimension for two days, but he'd seen enough to know that he wasn't in Kansas (or Qandahar, for that matter) any more. Still, he'd volunteered for the mission, and knew the risks included death or dismemberment due to enormous energy output, so when the explosion happened two days ago, he wasn't surprised. What perplexed him was the colour of it. He'd never seen energy with a gold spectrum that reached into the ultra-violet before.

Focusing on the current situation, the sniper peered across the field. Something wasn't right. The man wasn't moving, but the grass between him and the sniper was, even though there was no wind. Switching out his anti-flares for his infra-red goggles, he followed the wave of grass as it turned towards his previous position in the tree. There was a silhouette, gliding inches above the grass, swooping up to grab the stunned midget-dragon from the tree, then returning in the direction of the man and the dragon-girl. When it got there, the silhouette dropped the little lizard and faded away, at which point the man collapsed.

This place was strange.

jessileo127 11-08-2010 02:29 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Knocked out by the blast I remain unconsious for a few seconds. As I wake my anger raises up a bar.
"How dare you attack a Dra..."My voice quivering with anger as I point to Sound, my voice faltering on the last word... "Never mind... Your penalty will be, to come with us on our quest!"
I bend down to scoop up the unconsious form of Skylark who was fading slightly, His tail getting smaller, unable to keep his form whislt unconsious...
I press my fore finger onto his snout healing him enough to wake up...
"Darling we will be together soon," I spoke in a soft whisper. "But, you must hold on untill we kill it..."
I move my eyes to Sound and placing my forefinger on his head healing him too.
"Will you respect your penalty for attacking a dragon?" I ask softly as Skylark moves to Moon whimpering softly...
I hold my hand out before moving to Moon...
"Our quest will not succeed with two, especially if one whos art makes him feel pain... We are running out of time. The armys will move soon and we must find out who is behind them, look the third moon is rising."
I tilt my head to the western horizon as if to proove my point a large dark blue moon rose over the distant mountin tops drasticly changing the pale light to a dark blue, it was still light enough to see the landscape but dark enough to make the land strangely erriee...

moonhawk81 11-08-2010 03:29 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
I stand and bow, raggedly but solidly. "Your pardon, milady, but I am well. Hawks normally ride thermals, which time mitigates the pain of my transformation. I'll just walk this one off, I suppose, since there won't be thermals at night anyway. But pray tell me, of how many armies do you know mobilizing, and in service to what lords? Because I warn you of man's treachery--an army might not serve the lord in whose service they stand."

soundbreaker 11-09-2010 04:33 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
The sniper was confused.

"Wait, what!? Hold on a minute, what the hell is going on!?" the sniper yelled, "How the hell did I go from behind a tree a kilometer away, to right in front of you guys!? Why the hell are you touching me like that!? What quest!? Why do you keep calling me 'Sound'!? My name is Breaker! And what do you mean 'Attack your dragon'? He attacked me first! And he shouldn't be unconscious, it was just a flash grenade! He should only have been stunned for a minute!"

The sniper stopped to catch his breath, waiting for some answers. He didn't like this dimension very much. He'd been on his own for the first two days, and he hadn't gained much intelligence about the area or geo-political situation.

jessileo127 11-09-2010 06:48 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Allowing Breaker to sit up, It is to be notaced that he did not move but I did, (forgot to type that I flew over to him... Sorry)
"Calm down, Breaker. As for attacking a dragon I am said dragon.... Skylark in his tranformed mode is beyond weak, even a flash grenade does that to him... He did not attack he simply flew over your head... And You did not move I did... Its called wings..."
I move my hand away and streched my wings in reply, looking sad as she reveled that she was a true dragon.
"Welcome to Decora, weary travelers, we have little time but I suppose I must tell you... We are in a solar system called Saratolby that is slightly imbued with magic and twin planets one blue and one red.

Decora is the blue, with five moons that collide once every ten thousand years.
Most humanoids have some type of magic, be it light and healing, neutral and elemental or dark and misterious (i know i cant spell)... These powers could be chosen at the age of ten thousand (Yes Decoras year speed is baisicly two weeks and a half in Earth time) and at which point they go into magic school to learn how to controll thier powers. Dragons rule the red planet, Yes dragons, and other types of mystical creatures lived there. They also had leaders and a few dragon Gods and Goddessses but the main one is Julie the Backhorn, the largest and most dangerous dragon of all time, she was also the first to be born of the universe, therethore had a rightfull place at the top and non dared to challenge her, 'sept those who dissagread with that and were stupid enough to get on her bad side. Julie is a neutral Dragon... "

I speak softly at first warming to the topic, my voice becoming stronger as I sit my wings folded.
"The armys are heading toward the Dragon caves in the north taking villages and towns as they go...
This quest is to find out who controlls these armys and help / defeat them if need be... "

I stay sat looking at the ground as the largest moon comes over head dominating most of the sky...

Skylark moves slowly his mistress and his lover and curls up in my lap, almost purring as I scatch him behind his ears...

moonhawk81 11-09-2010 06:29 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
I walk towards the Lady Jessica's new location--d_mn but she's fast!--and hope that she and the sniper have time to settle things quietly. Not really sure what I've gotten myself into just yet, but it's got to be better than dwelling on past mistakes. Maybe this time I can actually hang around after everything's done. Maybe this time I won't be turned upon once I've fulfilled my oath. Or maybe I should just give up on the oath completely and retire to some nice dusty library, keeping books for whatever illiterate little megalomaniac happens to call himself Lord thereat.

I look and see that the Lady Jessica has seated herself and folded her wings as she speaks to the bewildered man. . .or maybe I'll just stick around because some young girl-child/ancient dragon might need a little help down the road. I just hope she eats in human form--it will mean carrying fewer provisions. . .

soundbreaker 11-11-2010 11:42 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
The sniper was still disgruntled, he didn't like being attacked or confronted (or touched for that matter) within the space of a few minutes, but at least now he understood a little bit more about where he was.

"So, what then?" he asked, "Do you want some help, is that it? You're hiring for a private militia?"

The sniper noticed the man from before approaching.

"Who's the dude in the dress?" he nodded in the man's direction.

moonhawk81 11-11-2010 07:00 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Close enough to hear this last bit, I can't help laughing. "No dress, soldier, just a cloak over shirt and pants. And if she is hiring, I guess you're the army to my navy. Good to have some young cannon fodder along." I nod casually, then address the Lady. "You've indicated a need for haste, Milady. So be it. A trading town lies about twenty miles downriver, offering good provision. If you intend us to go south, we'll be needing supplies. The Southlands have been unstable for years, so I can only imagine the affects of large armies moving through. The river lies less than an hour east of here."

jessileo127 11-12-2010 10:37 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Smiling I nod to Moon and stand up slowly, holding Skylark in my arms.
"Indeed, I have a contact in that town that can lend us some horses so that we may get to the armys faster... We shall walk along the river till' we reach the town. I only wish I could go to my origanal form so that I could carry us to the armies straight away... Breaker, you may join us if you wish... Say, I havn't heard your kind of accent in a long time, where are you from? "
I question as I start walking in a south-west direction, my wings slightly open to catch the soft breeze.

Skylark woken from the slight movement mutters feebily and raises his head to glance at Breaker questionably, his eyes now a dark blue.

Over head the silver-blue moon had set and Raislit was just starting to, the land now was a dark purple look.

moonhawk81 11-16-2010 06:52 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
The sniper has not yet moved, so I stop, concerned. "Mayhap, Milady, his journey here has exhausted him? So much as we need haste, mayhap he more needs rest?" I look quickly to the young soldier but see no obvious wounds, so I pull a flask from my pack and offer it to him. "Let his condition decide our movement tonight, Midlady. But once to town, whilst you arrange for horses, I shall provision us for food. Do you have any, um, special requirements in that regard?"

soundbreaker 11-17-2010 08:42 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"I suppose I ain't goin' home any time soon." the sniper replied, "Might as well keep myself busy. I've got rations in my pack which should last a couple of days, and grenades and mags to spare, so any time you're ready..."

The sniper looked at the flask offered by the Magic Bloke. "No worries mate, I've got my own." he declined, pulling his own hip-flask from his pocket. "Bundaberg Rum." he said with a wink as he took a swig.

"My accent?" he said, capping his flask and following the Dragon-Girl, "I'm Australian, though I don't reckon there's... wait, what did you mean when you said you hadn't heard it 'In a long time'?"

jessileo127 11-18-2010 06:05 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
I smile at my newfound companions thinkings to myself 'What strange mortals.' As asked the questions occured my smile vanishes.
"No, I eat as a normal humaniod mortal in this form, though Skylark prefers to eat mice and other rodents, but he can find those himself... He's like a cat really." Looking at Breaker I smile once again. "Australian hey? Oh yea, as a dragon I live over eons of time, making me almost immortal, what also helps is am a daughter of Julie, but alas I am stuck in this form. Nevermind about me, I can look after myself most of the time. But yes I have heard your accent, though I must admit it was a long time ago... Will you come with us then?"
I hold my left arm out this time, there seemed to be strange markings among my fingers running up my whole arm, the markings seemed to glow slightly in the night.

Skylark now fully awake again started to fly around the head of his mistress again but much more slowly, like a ghostly guardian shining in the dark moonlight.

The second moon has now gone down a little more than half way, the darker moon also heading to set.
A small sliver of light appeares in the east and starts to gradually become stronger

Cookie 11-20-2010 06:08 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
In the shadows of another near by tree, I hide my body behind the large trunk. If any of the compainions were to look my way all they would see is either a ghostly hand my hair and my eyes at most. (FYI if you were to look, Long red hair would shine bright silver in any moon light, my eyes change colour depending on my mood, which are at the moment a deep purple/red)
I watch as the compainions start to move toward the river, my eyes devoring every single bit of information I could without being able to hear anything.
I really should have a minion doing this... But I had to check on myself, the roumers are true! Solaria has become a hybrid!

moonhawk81 12-01-2010 09:04 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"All right, to Carriston, then. But, Milady, I am rather concerned about your appearance, if you'll forgive my saying so. Your wings, I mean. I don't know how long since you've spoken with your contact, but Carriston was raided less than a month ago by a gang of the Southern brigands. They sailed right up to the docks in what looked to be a regular trader, then swarmed the docks and held them for almost three hours against the town's guard unit. The Dockmaster and his five inspectors were all murdered, and the dock tollbox taken. Then the cowards loaded their ship with goods from the docks' warehouses, and pirated away two other ships still fully-laden." I look pointedly at the Lady Jessica. "No disrespect, Milady, but Carriston is armed and frightened, and that from something that looked normal. Pray imagine with what obvious relief they might unleash their fear and anger upon someone who arrives already looking out-of-place. Can you hide the wings? If not, we need enter as close to dark as their guards will let us, and under glamour."

jessileo127 12-01-2010 12:24 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
I nod to Moon, my eyes flash as he suggests you change.
"I Can change but will have several consenquences, Including the runes you see on my hand" I lift up my hand to show Moon. "Will glow more brightly and be all over my body, I will not be able to change forms for the next Solstiace Which is about two years from now.

moonhawk81 12-01-2010 12:40 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"Right, then, darkness and glamour it is. We'll have to time our arrival towards dusk tomorrow. About a mile or so out of town, I'll cast a glamour over you to keep people from seeing your wings. Trick is, Milady, that they'll still be there. You'll need to move very carefully both indoors and amongst people; we'll do better on sidestreets and in less-crowded areas. The biggest threat won't be the wings themselves, but the reaction we'll receive if the townsfolk accidentally discover them and think we're hiding things. Which, of course, we will be. So this sounds like it will be a very short trip to town." I turn to the sniper. "Soldier, one of us will need to stay with her Ladyship at all times, just in case something goes wrong. I'd prefer it were me, simply because it would be easier that way for me to maintain the glamour. However, where I plan to provision would be a bad spot for a lady."

soundbreaker 12-08-2010 09:14 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"Where you... what?" The Sniper replied, as he dis-assembled his rifle and stowed it in his backpack, "So, Liz here is gonna go incognito, I'm gonna guard her, and you're doing what exactly?"

moonhawk81 12-08-2010 06:33 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"I'll be calling in a few old favors down on the docks. The Gryphon was at dock when I passed through a week or so ago, and should still be there. I crewed her during the Three Queens' War, when I and her current master were both petty officers. I'll provision there with food and supplies, but it's a rough place for a woman, let alone a young lady. And I won't exactly be a welcome guest to start with aboard Gryphon. Still, the very fact that she was brought in to protect the town rather than being considered pirate herself is due largely to me. Captain Scarbrough can't forget that debt, nor forgive me for it. He'll provision us, even if he tries to kill me first."

soundbreaker 12-09-2010 04:12 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"Righty-o then," The Sniper continued, "Let's get going."

He turned toward the dragon-girl. "Lead on, you know this place better than I do."

He took in their surroundings, trying to gauge his current position in relation to where he'd first appeared in this dimension. He was pretty sure it was about ten kilometres west of here. While scanning the tree-line, he thought he saw something. Pulling out his scope, The Sniper zoomed in on the area. It looked like someone was hiding behind a tree over there, but not very well. Their red hair was blowing in the breeze, giving away their position.

Kusari 12-09-2010 08:17 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Kusari viewed the group from a tree branch.
"I'm hungry..."
He plops down, camo-device concealing his whereabouts, and snags a green pinneapple looking fruit see-able from Breaker's backpack.
"Musn't quite be ready yet...but I'm just so hungry."
Kusari jumps off quickly, and takes a bite.

An explosion emits from his area as Kusari is blown to pieces...

soundbreaker 12-09-2010 09:17 AM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"What the hell!?"

The explosion was too close, knocking The Sniper to the ground.

"What the bloody hell was that!?" He fumed as he stood, brushing dirt and pieces of unidentified grenade-thief off of his fatigues and equipment.

Cookie 12-09-2010 02:01 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Using the explosion as coverage I change forms to a Dog like creature with large ears, red/silver fur and one white paw, my eyes a deep blue with a tinge of gold. I pad up softly to the sniper with large doeful eyes. I wimper softly and then move away from him in the opposit direction, looking back after a few steps I look at him again with another wimper and a slightly cocked head.

moonhawk81 12-09-2010 06:25 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
Too much happening too quickly. I twirl off my cloak and hook it onto the spur of Lady Jessica's nearest wing--she is instantly enveloped in a blue-tinged sphere of light. Cutlass in one hand and tomahawk in the other, I turn to look at the bloodied sniper and the inquisitive dog near him. Nothing else seems to be moving. "Milady, are you ok? Can you sense any other attackers?" My eyes won't leave the dog: "Soldier, are you ok? Can you see anything, because I didn't notice the dog before all this." I shake my head, thinking: am I really so out of practice? The thought frightens me much more than the attack.

jessileo127 12-09-2010 08:00 PM

Re: JessiLeo, The adventures forthwith!
"Relax Moon, this world changes every second we stand here." My voice muffled by the cloak. "No The closest threat is my Sister there." I move my eyes to glare at the dog. "Whom I suppose is not here for a social visit."I then turn my attention to Moon. "Seriously? Am Half Goddess and Half Dragon and you Protect me? Albeit I may have a curse on me that hinders my magical ability's slightly, but non the less!" I aim my fingers towards the Dog and utter a spell to send it flying.

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